Effective November 16, 2021
- Access https://www.touristboracay.com/ and choose Boracay in the Where To page.
2. Fill out required fields and click submit.
3. Take a screenshot of the confirmation page.
- Send the following documents to touristboracay@gmail.com using the email subject OHDC-FamilyName, FirstName – Date of Travel (MM-DD-YYYY)
- screenshot of the OHDC confirmation
- proof of identification with Philippine Residency
- VaxCertPH COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate with full vaccination status from https://vaxcert.doh.gov.ph/; or,
- Locally-issued Vaccination Card/ID with full vaccination status and with verifiable QR Code; or,
- Locally-issued Vaccination Card/ID with full vaccination status and with Certificate of Vaccination from vaccination center with contact details; or
- in their absence, RT-PCR Negative Result Certificate (saliva, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal) with date of extraction within 72 hours to date of travel (https://hfsrb.doh.gov.ph/list-of-licensed-covid-19-testing-facilities/)
- a copy of confirmed booking slip/form from a Boracay accommodation establishment with DOT CAO, (Accredited & HSG compliant AEs in Boracay Island)
- roundtrip flight/travel details (Only Caticlan Airport can be used by those travelling via air as per IATF RESOLUTION NO. 74 Series of 2020, September 24, 2020)
Please submit your COMPLETE and CLEAR documents at least twenty-four (24) hours or more before your flight/travel to avoid delays. Due to volume of emails received, we cannot guarantee processing if you send your documents less than twenty-four (24) hours before your flight/travel. We are validating your documents with the vaccination centers, accommodation establishments and/or the laboratories and this takes some time. Please send only valid documents as falsification is punishable by law.
If you have not received any response within six (6) hours after you sent your documents from the validating team, please send another follow up email or contact:
Travel Info Aklan Assistance Center: | |
Smart | 09398780715 |
Globe | 09755809013 |
travelinfo@aklan.gov.ph |
Multiple tourist documents can be sent in one email. Just include a listing of the names of the tourists including infants and children.
5. Wait for the email response (successful or unsuccessful) of the Final Validator.
6. If processing is successful, a link to the copy of your HDC with Tourist QR Code will be sent back. Please IMMEDIATELY click the link to open and check if information is correct. Please be guided that the validators cannot edit or update any personal information that you have encoded and for corrections, you need to submit another OHDC and this may delay re-issuance of QR Code.
Keep the Tourist QR Code with you at all times. Have a printed or digital copy. The QR Code will be used in the ports of entry/exit (land, air, sea) as well as in accessing services in Boracay Island.
7. If processing is unsuccessful, an email will be sent to you requesting for additional requirements or clarification. Please immediately comply with this to avoid delays in the QR Code release.
8. Your Tourist QR Code has an expiry of twelve (12) hours from your accommodation checkout time. If you are extending your stay in Boracay Island, please send an email of a new booking slip showing the extension to touristboracay@gmail.com before your original checkout time.